Privacy Policy

Data security and privacy are significant concerns for OptoMechs. In order to clarify how we handle personally identifiable information sent to via the Internet, we have created this privacy policy. Please come back periodically as OptoMechs develops since we may change this policy. Please email [email protected] if you have any inquiries about OptoMechs's privacy practices.

We will automatically reply to you to let you know that we have received your email. Please call OptoMechs Customer Support if you don't get an auto-response. This privacy statement explains how OptoMechs handles personally identifiable data. This Policy also addresses how OptoMechs partners may share personally identifiable information with it. This Policy does not cover the actions of organizations that OptoMechs does not own, manage, or control, or that it does not employ.

Information Gathering and Utilization

When you buy products or services from OptoMechs or utilize specific OptoMechs PDF documents, the company may acquire personally identifying information about you. Additionally, OptoMechs might get personally sensitive data from its partners. We ask for your contact information (such your name, street address, and email address) as well as specific information about your business when you register with Depending on the type of information you request, we may collect different types of personally identifiable data from you. The information gathered is used by to fulfill your requests for specific materials. Additionally, we might provide newsletters, periodic alerts, and service announcements from partners of No other use is made of personally identifiable information about customers. does not sell goods or provide services. Anyone under the age of 13 cannot be asked for or knowingly provided with personally identifiable contact information by

Sharing and Disclosure of Information

An essential component of our website is the protection of personally identifiable information. We only divulge this information in the ways that are outlined here.

In the following situations, may disclose personally identifiable information about you to other businesses or individuals: 1) with your permission; 2) when we must share your information with third parties; 4) when doing so is necessary to comply with the law; or 6) when doing so is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of, our users, or others, which may require sharing information with other organizations for the purpose of risk management. Information may be one of the assets transferred if is purchased.

Information Protection

For our website, information security is essential. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts the data you type, to safeguard the security of your information while it is being transmitted. On safe computers that are kept in a locked data center, we keep the information we've collected. There are just a few workers who are directly involved in running the data center who have physical access to these computers. To stop unauthorized users from accessing our computers, we deploy firewalls and other security equipment.

Additionally, we demand that any personally identifiable customer data you send us be SSL-encrypted. Visit to learn more about SSL. You should take precautions to prevent unwanted access to your computer and Login ID/password. Use caution when using a shared computer and safeguard the password you use to access services in other ways.

Information and Preferences for the Account

Since is not a retail website, no account information is needed. Please send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are little data files that are saved on a user's web browser. Most contemporary web browsers automatically enable cookies. Cookies may be used by OptoMechs to tailor content to users' preferences or to track user traffic.

Users of the OptoMechs website can use it even if cookies are disabled, but they might not be able to access all of the site's features or might not get the personalized web experience they are used to. Please send an email to OptoMechs at [email protected] if you have any queries concerning the cookie policy on our website.

European Users

The American country is the location of Your information will be transmitted from the EU to the United States when you send it to By giving us your personal information, you agree to its storage and use in the ways outlined in this policy.

Privacy Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy may be changed or amended by at any time and for any reason. Before implementing any significant changes to this policy or how will use personally identifiable information, will post a notice on its homepage at As soon as they are posted, the modified Terms will automatically take effect. After the revised Terms have been posted on the Site, if you continue to use the website or any services, it is assumed that you have read, understood, and agreed to the revised Terms in their entirety. Please email us at [email protected] if you have any further inquiries about our Policy.