TCM1000T In Stock

Description: TEC Controller Module with 3W Maximum Output Power

Part Number TCM1000T
Category Light
Manufacturer ThorLabs

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ThorLabs TCM1000T

The ThorLabs TCM1000T is a high-quality thermal electric cooler (TEC) controller module that ensures precise temperature control for your device. The TCM1000T is designed to regulate a current through a TEC and maintain a constant temperature on a device, typically a laser diode mounted onto the cold plate of the module.

The TCM1000T is a powerful and reliable device that provides up to 3 Watts of cooling power and operates from a +5 VDC power supply with a current limit of 1 Amp. It is equipped with a 10 kΩ NTC type thermistor sensor that provides feedback to maintain temperature control. Temperature is set and monitored using a scaled voltage based on the thermistor resistance for a given temperature, which is available at test points referenced to system ground. The maximum adjustment range is between 5 kΩ to 25 kΩ.

The TCM1000T features fully adjustable PI settings that allow for maximum performance when regulating specific devices. Setting the gain levels for the proportional and integral gains to the proper levels is crucial to ensuring a fast response and stable regulation. The Ziegler-Nichols method for PID tuning is the simplest and most effective way to set the gains at proper levels for the TCM1000T. Start by setting the integral gain to zero; then increase the proportional gain until the circuit starts to oscillate. This gain level is referred to as Ku, and the oscillation will have a period of Pu.

The TCM1000T also features a Form C relay that is energized when the thermistor resistance is matched within approximately 1000 Ω of the set-point resistance. Outputs are available for external monitoring of the set point and feedback thermistor resistances. Additionally, three wiring harnesses can be utilized to make the proper connections from the TCM1000T to its power source and the thermal system being controlled. For the ease of identification, this module consists of a variety of wire color schemes and functions that are clearly labeled.

To operate the TCM1000T, simply connect it to a suitable DC power supply, taking care to observe correct polarity. Then, connect it to the TEC system to be controlled and set the PGAIN pot and the IGAIN pot to their middle adjustment points. Once power is supplied to the unit, a digital multimeter can be used to monitor the TSET test point with respect to the GND test point, providing a voltage proportional to the resistance that the user needs the feedback thermistor to regulate at. Using a second multimeter, monitor the TACT test point with respect to the GND test point. Once power is applied to the TCM1000T, TACT should start to move in the direction of TSET.

Input Power +5 VDC @ 1.25 A Max
Maximum Output Power 3W
Feedback Element 10 kΩ NTC type thermistor 
Control Range 5 to 25 kΩ (approximately 40 to 10 °C)
Set Point Accuracy <20 Ω in 25 °C Operating Environment
Long Term Drift (24 hrs) <1 Ω in 25 °C Operating Environment
TEC Current Range -1 A to 1 A
Compliance Voltage >3 V

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