SC10 In Stock

Description: 25 Hz Optical Beam Shutter Controller

Part Number SC10
Category Optomechanics
Manufacturer ThorLabs

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ThorLabs SC10

The ThorLabs SC10 is a highly advanced and user-friendly optical beam shutter controller designed for precise control of the SH05 and SH1 optical shutters. With millisecond accuracy, the SC10 provides an easy-to-use control interface that allows users to operate the shutter in three unique ways, including control from the front panel, control from a PC, and control from a TTL direct interface.

The SC10 features a range of impressive capabilities, including a TTL output trigger that enables users to control other devices in concert with the SH05 and SH1, with both outputs under direct control of the user interface. The front panel of the SC10 includes a range of buttons for manual control, while the back panel includes a BNC input for external triggering, a BNC output for synchronization with other equipment, and an RS-232 port for remote computer control.

In addition, the SC10 features dedicated lights on the front panel that reveal whether the shutter is enabled and open, as well as a key switch that enables opening of the shutter, helping to comply with lab laser safety requirements. The front control panel also allows the user to directly program and monitor the shutter open and close times, with modes such as run continuous (auto), single shot, and repeat selected via the interface. The repeat mode allows users to repeat the displayed open and close sequence from 1 to 99 times, while a safety interlock overrides all system commands and closes the shutter if tripped, with the key switch needing to be cycled to resume operations.

The SC10 also features an easy-to-read LCD front panel that provides access to the same commands as the LabVIEW and LabWindows software packages. This allows users to set up and initiate a repeating sequence of open and close events with exposure times as low as 10 ms, either by a front panel button, a TTL pulse (+5 V), or a computer command via RS-232. The SC10 can also be synchronized to follow the rising and falling edges of an external voltage supplied over BNC.

With drive and output pulses that have 0.0002 second accuracy and 0.001 second resolution for both the OFF (close) time and ON (open) time, the SC10 provides unparalleled accuracy and precision. The controller also incorporates an alarming/monitor feature that ensures the status of the shutter agrees with the output of the controller when used with the SH05 and SH1 shutter. When the controller is used without a shutter, the TTL output signal represents the precise programmed output of the controller.

Maximum Exposure Rate 25 Hz
On/Off Times 1 ms to 999.99 s
Maximum Steady State Power 5 W
Hold Voltage Range 9 to 11.8 V
Output Enable Key Switch with Interlock Connector
Voltage Output 24 V Pulse (10 V Hold)
Instrument Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 11.5" x 5.3" x 3.0"

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